A trooper from the Michigan State Police recently rescued a construction worker who was stuck under 700 pounds of drywall while working alone on a job site in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, reported George Hunter of The Detroit News.
RCA-C, an ideal solution for attaching cold-formed steel (CFS) stud framing to concrete supports, was designed to save installers time and reduce the cost of drilling connector holes at the jobsite. The RCA-C provides the most anchor options available, including holes for a 1/2"-diameter anchor screw or bolt, or for two 1/4"-diameter concrete screws positioned to allow a variety of fastening options.
AISI has published AISI D114-21, “Cold-Formed Steel Clip Angle Design Guide, 2021 Edition,” a new publication that provides practical guidance on the design of cold-formed steel clip angles.
The A237R by Resilmount is the leading resilient sound isolation clip available on the market. UL approved in 84 wall and ceiling assemblies, with a maximum 55lbs dead load capacity per clip. Sound isolation clips from Buildcorp Direct are used to reduce airborne and structure-borne vibrations in wall and ceiling applications.