Loading docks generally aren’t known for their stylishness, but a new such structure at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport is breaking with that tradition. The addition of glass curtainwall and a protective overhang clad in copper-toned metal tiles create a real visual pop in the middle of the airport’s runway area.
Simpson Strong-Tie is again joining other industry associations and organizations in supporting the International Code Council (ICC) 2019 Building Safety Month in May.
Throughout its history, the Macon County Courthouse in Decatur, IL has inhabited a variety of buildings, from a log cabin built in 1829 where Abraham Lincoln practiced law, to a stone and brick four-story building with a clock tower built in 1892 to its current location — a five-story limestone building constructed in 1939.
In one year, Sonic food chains sell enough tots to circle the globe and give away more than enough mints to reach the top of the Empire State Building and back to the ground 5,000 times.