Winner of the “Redo Your Crew” Announced

Walls & Ceilings and WearGuard, sponsors of the “Redo Your Crew” contest, are pleased to announce Cook Construction of Iowa Inc. as the winner.
Cook Construction soon will be sporting $2,000 worth of the latest in job site apparel, after being outfitted by WearGuard. Look for the results in our November issue.
Congratulations to Cook Construction and thanks to all entrants for participating.
Following is the “before” description and photo submitted by Cook Construction.
The ancient Romans had a saying: “Vestis Virum Redit,” a Latin phrase meaning “Clothes Make the Man.” Three thousand years ago people realized that appearance is important. A person who not only looks good but also knows he looks good, tends to handle himself in a more confident manner. Looking good as a crew shows we care about both the impression we make and our performance on the job. That self-assured attitude has a carry-over affect on both present and future customers. And the fact is, we don’t always know who our future customers will be. Today competition is fierce and our crew needs to look like winners. With your help, we could make it happen.
Brian G. Cook, President
Cook Construction of Iowa Inc.
Decorah, Iowa