
California Rejects International Building Code

December 13, 2000
California Rejects Effort to Base Building Code on International Building Code

The California Building Standards Commission has voted to not use the International Building Code as part of its effort to update the California Building Standards Code. In this decision, the Commission elected to continue using the 1997 Uniform Building Code as the basis for the 2001 edition of the California Building Standards Code.

In addition to the rejection of the International Building Code, the Commission voted to use the 2000 edition of the Uniform Fire Code and the 2000 editions of the Uniform Mechanical Code and the Uniform Plumbing Code to address other safety issues.

The CBSC has been examining the adoption of these codes for more than two years through the Code Partnership 2000. The Code Partnership 2000 was formed to examine and address possible conflicts within the recommended model codes.

“We are proud that the state of California will publish the 2000 Uniform Fire Code as the fire prevention code in the state,” said Andy Vanderlaan, executive director of the Western Fire Chiefs Association.. “The Commission is charged with examining and recommending safety codes in the interest of public safety and they fulfilled that charge in this decision.”

This topic was featured in the “Code of Ethics” article in W&C’s October 1999 issue.




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