Western Nassau Water Authority features unique wall, window integration.

Metl-Span Systems Meet Design Needs in Cost Effective Manner

June 2, 2014

The combination of Metl-Span engineering and products met the challenging design demands of the new Western Nassau Water Authority administrative office building in North New Hyde Park, N.Y.

The goal from the beginning was to construct an energy efficient building with insulated metal panels and it had to be aesthetically pleasing, according to architect Charlie Lovell of Angelo Francis Corva & Associates in West Hempstead, N.Y. He was pleased with Metl-Span’s insulated metal panels.

“It’s a clean, aesthetic system and it holds the energy requirements of the building,” Lovell says. “It went together nicely.”

Approximately 7,500 square-feet of Metl-Span panels, including insulated CFA and 7.2 Insul-Rib panels in Polar White, were installed by Girandola & Shutkind Construction of Bronx, N.Y. The CFA panels were insulated with a 2-inch polyurethane foam core, the 7.2 Insul-Rib panels with 2-1/2 inches.

One challenge required onsite bending of CFA panels for the curved portion of the facility. The panels that required a 45-degree bend were factory notched and bent on site, while the panels with a 90-degree bend were bent in factory.

“We were relying on the shop drawings,” says Rich Shutkind of Girandola & Shutkind. “We spent a lot of time going over the drawings. Metl-Span’s engineering department was very helpful through the entire process. We were able to construct the circular dimensions they were looking for on the rounded part of the building. We bent the panels manually, in the field.”

The project also called for the horizontal installation of the 7.2 Insul-Rib panels up to 40 feet long, according to Shutkind. “That way we were able to avoid seams,” he said. “It’s a watertight system and it looks great.”

Metl-Span’s Metl-Vision Window System was designed to complement the architectural aesthetics and function of Metl-Span’s horizontal wall panels. According Shutkind, it easily integrated with the tongue and groove system of Metl-Span wall panels.