New Naming Structure for Wall Systems
Product Names Reflect Compliance with New Energy Standards Helping to Differentiate Products Within Families.
Sto Corp., the innovative leader and producer of integrated exterior wall systems for new building construction and restoration, has adopted a new naming convention to ensure ease of specification and peace of mind for customers concerned about code compliance and sustainability.
Systems that meet or exceed ASHRAE design standard 90.1-2013, IGCC/IECC energy code requirements for continuous insulation (ci) and California Title 24 requirements for energy efficiency now include the acronym “ci” in their names, followed by the names of finishes, insulations or other components that differentiate products from one another.
“Sustainable design and looking forward is important to Sto, so this naming structure is the logical next step for us,” said Tom Remmele, Sto technical director. “We actually followed this nomenclature when we introduced StoTherm ci XPS last spring. Naming the product, we started with StoTherm and added ci and XPS, which indicates that this high-performance, continuous insulation wall system incorporates the Dow STYROFOAM Panel Core 20 insulation board for exceptional thermal performance. In addition to continuous insulation, StoTherm ci XPS offers a continuous air and moisture barrier and drainage cavity, as do all StoTherm ci wall systems.”
To align its existing products with the new naming structure, Sto made the following name changes to its product offering:
StoTherm ci Wall Systems:
- StoTherm Lotusan NExT is now StoTherm ci Lotusan
- StoTherm Classic NExT is now StoTherm ci Classic
- StoTherm Essence NExT is now StoTherm ci Essence
Innovative Stucco Wall Systems:
- StoPowerwall EnergyGuardis now StoPowerwall ci
- StoPowerwall NExT DrainScreen is now StoPowerwall DrainScreen
- StoPowerwallwith Sto ExtraSeal is now StoPowerwall ExtraSeal
Premium Cement Board Stucco Wall Systems:
- StoQuik Sliver NExT DrainScreen is now StoQuik Silver DrainScreen
“In addition to reflecting our products’ compliance with energy standards and building code requirements, changes to the way we name our wall systems provide a structure for naming new products as we expand our product offering,” said Brian Chang, Sto product manager. “We look forward to introducing new products and ci assemblies to continue to meet our customers’ needs.”
To learn more about Sto, please visit www.stocorp.com.