
North America's Building Trades Unions on New OSHA Silica Standard

March 24, 2016
The following statement was released by the North America's Building Trades Unions in reaction to the issuing of a new OSHA standard for silica:
"North America's Building Trades Unions is pleased OSHA has issued the final silica standard. We believe that the agency has been diligent in its efforts to hear and consider all stakeholder input, and done a great job in getting the rule out. We look forward to reading it in detail.
"For twenty years, NABTU and our affiliates have been urging OSHA and the DOL to finalize this rule because reducing silica exposures will have a significant positive impact on the working conditions for all American construction workers.
"It is beyond debate that silica exposure kills construction workers. It causes silicosis— a deadly lung disease— lung cancer, and other diseases. Silica-related diseases cannot be cured, but they can be prevented.
"Put simply, the OSHA silica standard will protect construction workers from getting sick or dying due to silica dust exposure."