Super Stud Building Products’ Continues to Expand Steel Framing Engineering Services
This expansion continues with the addition of John P. Foote as Technical Services Manager.
Super Stud Building Products, Inc., the multi-regional steel framing and accessories manufacturer, has expanded its technical engineering department with the addition of Technical Services Manager John P. Foote. John currently manages engineering projects for Super Stud, providing technical support of company products to architects, engineers, contractors, building owners, distributors, and to Super Stud sales management staff. John, alongside Director of Engineering Don Allen, P.E., LEED AP, provides complete technical assistance, as well as, providing steel mill certifications and product specification sheets to internal sales staff and outside customers to complete cold-formed steel (CFS) building material orders.
Responsibilities and Background
John manages the workflow of incoming technical drawings, specifications, and engineering requests. John ensures all required design documentation is received and oversees project coordination and close-out. John is responsible for the quality assurance/quality control of drawings, oversight of Super Stud Engineering Services, and acting as the liaison between the technical engineering departments and clients, both in the office and on-site. Prior to joining Super Stud, John earned a graduate certificate in Biotechnology from Boston University and served as Project Development Manager of S&T Construction, and New England Territory Manager for Northeast Construction Materials Corp. He previously owned and operated the Maple Leaf Malt & Brewing Company in Wilmington, Vermont, a personal entrepreneurial endeavor.
Cold-Formed Products
Super Stud Building Products’ Technical Engineering Team is single-source building product partner during the design and construction process, providing comprehensive architectural design support and engineering solutions for architects, engineers, contractors, and builders. By participating in the project planning process, Super Stud Building Products’ Technical Engineering Team ensures that your project incorporates up-to-date design standards and the most cost-effective utilization of cold-formed products and systems.
Super Stud provides cold-formed steel shop drawings under P.E. engineers’ seal in all 50 states. Our technical hotline provides an immediate response to all your questions or problems. Super Stud’s in-house metallurgical lab is fully certified to ASTM standards and is available to provide product verification and testing, should it be required at any point through the process. Super Stud provides engineering and architectural support for the design professional and sub-contractor, from the planning stage, through final detailing for general and specific building condition.