Md ICF Completed 1

Eastern Shore of Md. First Multi-Story Multi-Use Commercial Building Constructed from ICF Complete

June 24, 2021
Md ICF Completed 1

Chaney Enterprises, a ready-mix concrete, aggregates, custom blends, and related construction supplies provider, announced its customer, Eastern Bay Management Corporation completed the first multi-story, multi-use commercial insulated concrete form (ICF) building on the Eastern Shore in Maryland.

Chaney partnered with Eastern Bay Management Corporation on the four-floor Chesapeake Village Center, located at 460 Main Street in Stevensville, using Chaney’s ICF construction method that uses insulated foam blocks that lock together and are then filled with reinforced concrete.  Originally used as insulation, ICF is now used as a permanent interior and exterior substrate for walls, floors, and roofs. 

The first floor of the Chesapeake Village Center provides commercial space for six businesses while 17 apartments occupy the top three floors.  Commercial tenants include Kent Island Yoga and Wellness, and Half Full Gift Boutique.

“While most other developers continue to choose wood structures as their go-to method of construction, I felt compelled to think and act outside of the box,” shared David Azar, owner, of Eastern Bay Management Corporation and the Chesapeake Village Center project.  “When researching methods of construction, I learned a great deal about ICF and the team at Chaney are the experts.  While the noise reduction and energy efficiencies are unmatched and strong selling points, I believe the additional safety benefits trump all others.”

“When a tornado touched down half a mile from the construction site in July 2017, we were in the middle of building,” continued Azar.  “If it wasn’t for our use of Chaney’s ICF, it’s very likely the building would have been destroyed.  Instead, not a piece was out of place.  It was incredible.  I believe in the value of building a better structure and leaving a legacy behind.  Knowing the durability of this building provides headache-free security for me with current occupants as well as future generations who call it home.”

There are many benefits in using ICF, both short- and long-term.  ICF installation, done by properly trained professionals, is quicker than traditional materials, lending to projects being completed faster and the building being occupied sooner.  It requires less maintenance, won’t rust, rot, or deteriorate, and gets stronger over time.  Building with ICF and concrete provides a fire-resistant structure and a safe structure from natural disasters.  ICF walls stop more sound and are 12 times quieter than non-insulated concrete walls.  Also, ICFs provide long-term economic benefits including a reduction in heating and air-conditioning costs between 25 and 45 percent. 

One of the apartments in the Chesapeake Village Center is 850 square feet and used 214 kilowatt hours (kWh) during the month of August 2018.  The electric bill for the unit (including delivery and supply charges) was $38.03.  While the residential electricity consumption in Maryland averages 1,005 kWh per month with an average cost of $129 per month.

“Today, with rising materials costs, energy costs, and disaster-related costs, ICF’s are growing in use like never before,” said Francis "Hall" Chaney, III, president of Chaney Enterprises. “All of these savings are important but knowing that the builders and occupants of ICF buildings are safer than ever is something that is invaluable.  The Chesapeake Village Center is proof that we’re creating and producing products that are viable, durable, and that we will be proud of for hundreds of years.”