Throughout my first year on the job at GA, I realized the importance of industry standards as a mean of ensuring people receive quality solutions as well as quality products.
The Villa dei Misteri, Pompeii. Raphael’s Villa Farnesina. Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel. All are iconic classical and renaissance examples of decorative art closely allied to architecture.
With ransomware attacks on high profile businesses like Colonial Pipeline and JBS Foods in the headlines, construction managers at organizations of all sizes are increasingly asking, “Are we vulnerable too?” or even “Are we next?”
There are various ways to determine if a person is qualified to do a task or trade. Licensing through the state is probably one of the most common and is often required.
Costs for materials seem to be escalating all around us. Some industries are experiencing more of this than others. As an association director, I am responsible for large meetings and events.
As I think about the words of the Italian diplomat Niccolò Machiavelli, “Never waste the opportunity offered by a good crisis,” I can’t help but think how that relates to us today.