Welcome to Walls & Ceilings' annual round-up of the leading contractors in the country. This compilation brings together the industry’s most progressive and resourceful companies. We asked contractors to provide us with their information and why they feel they are among the top contractors. It was great to read from all the different and varying voices. We continue to learn a lot about what makes a great contractor stand out.
Company Name | Location | Total Revenue | Peak Staff | Residential % | Commercial % | Website |
ADCO/GRIER, Inc. | Sacramento, CA | $31,000,000 | 400 | 100% | 0% | adcogrier.com |
Acoustic Ceiling and Partition | Westerville, OH | $18,000,000 | 160 | 0% | 100% | acpohio.com |
Acousti Engineering Co. of Florida | Orlando, FL | 164,871,732 | 1500 | 0% | 100% | acousti.com |
Advanced Stucco | Ft. Lauderdale, FL | $30,720,000 | 56 | 10% | 90% | advancedstucco.com |
Alta Drywall | Escondido, CA | 16,516,596 | 200 | 15% | 85% | altadrywall.com |
Architectural Interiors | Cleveland, OH | $10,500,000 | 75 | 0% | 100% | www.air-neo.com |
Associated Drywall Partners | Indianapolis, IN | 40,000,000 est. | 84 | 30% | 70% | drywallpartners.com |
BakerTriangle | Mesquite, TX | 180,100,000 | 140 | 2% | 98% | bakertriangle.com |
California Drywall | San Jose, CA | 240,000,000 | 900 | 0% | 100% | caldrywall.com |
Central Ceilings Inc. | South Easton, MA | 39,355,920 | 150 | 0% | 100% | centralceilings.com |
DaFore LLC | Fredericksburg, VA | 11,500,000 | 102 | 1% | 99% | daforellc.com |
Danny Satterfield Drywall Corp. | Wichita, KS | $5,446,996 | 50 | 5% | 95% | dsdrywall.com |
Diversified Plastering | Houston,TX | $6,000,000 | 120 | 10% | 90% | diverisifiedplastering.com |
Ford Drywall & Stucco, Inc. | Naples, FL | $30,000,000 | 400 | 30% | 70% | Forddrywall.com |
Fred Shearer & Sons | Beaverton, OR | $32,000,000 | 215 | 0% | 100% | fredshearer.com |
Gibson- Lewis of Indianapolis, LLC | Indianapolis, IN | $26,306,890 | 120 | 0% | 100% | gibson-lewisofindianapolis.com |
Heartland Acoustics & Interiors | Englewood, CO | $15,000,000 | 100 | 0% | 100% | heartland-acoustics.com |
Heggem-Lundquist Paint Co. | Denver, CO | $21,169,333 | 25 | 5% | 95% | heggem-lundquist.com |
H.J. Martin & Son | Green Bay, WI | 32,601,995 | 931 | 0% | 100% | hjmartin.com |
Ironwood Commercial Builders | Pleasant Hill, CA | 19,000,000 | 100 | 0% | 100% | ironwoodcommercialbuilders.com |
Ivester Drywall & Painting, Inc. | Denver, NC | $15,000,000 | 200 | 95% | 5% | ivesterdp.com |
Jacobson & Co, Inc. | Elizabeth, NJ | 106,000,000 | 435 | 0% | 100% | Jacobsoncompany.com |
James River Exteriors | Richmond, VA | $11,900,000 | 45 | 20% | 80% | jamesriverexteriors.com |
JD Traditional Industries | Huntington Station, NY | 20,550,000 | 110 | 0% | 100% | jdtraditional.com |
J&J Acoustics, Inc. | Santa Clara, CA | $57,154,960 | 556 | 2% | 98% | jjacoustics.com |
Josh Lowe’s Dr. Energy Saver | Eugene, OR | $2,300,000 | 25 | 10% | 90% | jldrenergysaver.com |
Ka Mo’i Construction | Kapolei, HI | $2,000,000 | 50 | 5% | 95% | kmcihawaii.com |
KHS&S Contractors | Anaheim, CA | $343,310,440 | 1,507 | 0% | 100% | khss.com |
Lee Drywall | Fort Myers, FL | $22,900,000 | 120 | 10% | 90% | leedrywall.com |
Level 5 Inc. | San Jose, CA | $25,000,000 | 150 | 5% | 95% | level5inc.com |
Lone Sun Builders | Albuquerque, NM | $9,500,000 | 115 | 1% | 99% | lonesun.net |
Metro Walls | Manchester, NH | $52,500,000 | 250 | 0% | 100% | metrowalls.net |
M.O. Inc. | Jonesboro, GA | $14,500,000 | 35 | 0% | 100% | moincorporated.com |
Nevell Group, Inc. | Brea, CA | 150,000,000 | 850 | 2% | 98% | nevellgroup.com |
Paul Johnson Drywall Inc. | Phoenix, AZ | $58,725,925 | 653 | 60% | 40% | pauljohnsondrywall.com |
Performance Contracting Inc. | Lenexa, KS | $1,216,213,000 | 6310 | 3% | 97% | pcg.com |
Precision Walls Inc. | Cary, NC | $189,382,000 | 975 | 1% | 99% | www.precisionwalls.com |
Professional Drywall Construction | West Springfield, MA | $35,000,000 | 250 | 0% | 100% | profdrywall.com |
RFJ Meiswenkel Company | San Francisco, CA | $25,000,000 | 200 | 2% | 98% | rfjmeiswinkel.com |
Ronsco | New York, NY | $11,368,633 | 80 | 0% | 100% | ronscoinc.com |
Schommer Construction LLC | Colorado Springs, CO | 10,000,000 | 150 | 2% | 98% | schommerconstruction.com |
Shields Inc. | Winston Salem, NC | $17,400,000 | 51 | 0% | 100% | shieldsinc.com |
South Valley Drywall, Inc. | Littleton, CO | n/a | 250 | 60% | 40% | svdw.com |
Superior Wall Systems | Fullerton, CA | $62,000,000 | 30 | 0% | 100% | SuperiorWallSystems.com |
Tarlton and Son Inc. | Fresno, CA | $38,000,000 est. | 340 | 1% | 99% | tarltonandson.com |
The Raymond Group | Orange, CA | $149,000,000 | 135 | 0% | 100% | raymondgroup.com |
Trisco Construction Services | Lima, OH | $20,000,000 | 150 | 5% | 95% | triscoservices.com |
WPI (Western Partitions Inc.) | Wilsonville, OR | $191,619,670 | 1134 | 0% | 100% | wpibuilds.com |
V&C Drywall Contractors, Ltd. | Kapolei, HI | $20,000,000 | 220 | 5% | 95% | vncdrywall.com |
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