The presentation specifically focuses on the use of Shotcrete for concrete repair and rehabilitation applications. Topics include Shotcrete references, definitions, processes, uses, the history of Shotcrete, and important components of a Shotcrete specification.
“The Shotcrete process continues to grow as an effective method for repairing our deteriorating concrete infrastructure,” said Joe Hutter, ASA Marketing Committee Chair. “We believe that the information provided in this presentation will lead to a better understanding of the process and more complete Shotcrete specifications.”
The presentation is provided on a 2 gigabyte USB flash drive ($25 for ASA Members; $45 U.S. for non-members) that also includes the ASA publications:
- The History of Shotcrete by George Yoggy
- Shotcrete Versatility Plus (Video of the World of Concrete Mega Demo)
- Shotcrete, A proven process for the new millennium
Ordering information can be found USB.