Chicago Metallic Corp.

CurvGrid Curvilinear Metal Ceilings are now available with EZ-Flex Panels. These panels feature integral tabs that that allow on-site assembly without special tools, an installation feature that can reduce installation cost by as much as 50 percent. They require no clips, cutting, or tools and install with a simple twist of the panel’s patented integral clips. In addition, the patented primary carrier reduces labor-intensive hanger drops by more than 50 percent versus competitive systems. Available in several sizes, the panels come in standard and custom painted colors, MetalWood woodgrain finish, and the company’s six new WoodScenes painted colors. In addition to EZ-Flex panels, designers can choose from one- and two-directional aluminum panels in standard- and premium-color painted finishes, reflective finishes, MetalWood woodgrain finishes, and WoodScenes painted colors.

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