RIDGID introduces the new all-in-one CS1000 digital recording monitor that is compatible with all RIDGID SeeSnake reels. The product consists of an upgraded LCDPak as well as a durable keyboard with built-in digital recording and reporting capabilities. The CS1000 also comes with SeeSnake HQ software for more detailed reporting and sharing of jobs as well as easy uploads to RIDGIDConnect. The SeeSnake LCDPak monitor is designed for high performance and durability, with lightweight design and battery-powered freedom. It has been upgraded with a 12.1-inch color monitor with enhanced daylight readability to provide professionals with the ability to clearly view and diagnose line blockages via high-performance RIDGID SeeSnake cameras. The highly portable CS1000 digital recording monitor, with its integrated, built-in keyboard, has three modes of recording: digital stills, full-frame video, and auto-recording, a compressed recording method. The report writer gives the user the ability to generate a full report on site with integrated inspection footage and descriptions. Built-in flash storage allows the user to store hundreds of inspections and easily transfer one or many of them to a USB thumb drive.

For more information, visit www.RIDGID.com.