In today’s highly competitive construction market, clear, concise and consistent communications are critical to the health and success of your organization. Why are some companies more successful than others? Chances are they’ve integrated a platform making internal planning and communications through the life cycle of each project easy. By creating one set of plans within teams, contractors see a huge difference in how they communicate changes during the project.   

One Set of Plans, One Truth, One Team

Collaboration between members is critical to completing projects in a seamless and timely manner. Your software should alleviate a number of issues in the office and the field by creating easy-to-use plan distribution that results in increased efficiency, time-saving and seamless communication back and forth from work or home. Workers can read from one set of plans without scouring their Inboxes or leaving unopened messages with the most recent set of documents. Your software should ensure everyone in your organization sees the most revised and corrected set of plans at any time.

Increased Efficiency

Multiple workers on the job site should be able to communicate and collaborate seamlessly on the project. Every contractor completes a takeoff and creates an estimate. This process develops the project creation file, which is the foundation for contractors to establish their project budgets. Each stage of your project from takeoffs to job documents should be available for workers on mobile devices such as iPad, laptop and tablets on the job site, allowing for real-time access.    

Project-wide Communication

With “one truth” of plans for the entire organization, your software platform opens up the communication between the field and the office. Controlling and reducing field and office misunderstandings over what’s been estimated and what’s been approved inside the bid are critical to reducing risk and increasing profitability. It should also allow two-way real time updates to control the communication, and updates.

If you aren’t seeing these things from your software, maybe it’s time to ask a few more questions. Your bottom line will thank you.