Framing the exceptional at The Broad Museum happens within the walls as much as on them.
Anning-Johnson demonstrated their superior framing and finish capabilities when they delivered the curvilinear interior surfaces of The Broad. Radius Track Corporation is pleased they chose a Curved-Right solution to help deliver the most complex portions of the light gauge metal framing.
Engineered to meet project specifications, Curved-Right pre-curved framing profiles form the wormhole like structure enclosing the escalator and finishing off the surface edges wrapping the glass enclosed elevator.
Radius Track Design Technologists optimized the complex surface to make it constructable and delivered:
- Engineered framing design and 3D modeling.
- Curved CNC shaped profiles for the escalator enclosure.
- Field coordination drawings illustrating every shape, where and how to install each component.
- Tracks marked with stud locations.
“Working with the architects and contractors, the Radius Track team leveraged highly sophisticated 3D models and thought through every condition, developing the sub-framing components necessary to create the challenging geometry,” said Ryan Rademacher, VP of Design. “We are able to develop and deliver extremely complex geometry with cost-effective commodity materials.”
The Broad Museum Project Team:
Architect: Diller Scofidio + Renfro
General Contractor: MATT Construction
Framing & Finish Contractor: Anning-Johnson
Complex Framing Solutions: Radius Track Corporation