San Francisco-based Canvas, which this year began leasing its schedule-compressing drywall finishing robot to self-perform general contractors and drywall contractors in the Bay Area, this month began its rapid expansion into new regions.

“After we introduced Level 4 Targeted Spray at our Launch Event in June, demand for the machine just skyrocketed,” said Chief Revenue Officer Chris Peterson.

Since its inception, the Canvas machine has been able to produce Level 5 finishes, in which an entire fire-taped wall is sprayed with joint compound and, after drying, sanded down to the highest quality finish available. With the valuable input of its partners (DPR Construction, Swinerton, Webcor, Daley’s Drywall & Taping, and Nevell Group), Canvas was able to add Level 4 finish capabilities.

When in Level 4 Targeted Spray (or L4TS) mode, the machine uses its computer vision to identify, map and spray only the taped seams on a wall. After drying, typically 24 hours later, the walls are ready for sanding. This cuts the finish process to two days vs. seven.

“After the event, the feedback we received was that attendees couldn’t believe the quality of the finish and how clean the process was," Peterson said. "We began to hear from drywall contractors across the country looking for consistent quality and solutions to their growing labor and productivity challenges.”

Peterson adds that while these issues are critical for California customers, they are even more acute for those in other regions. A recent report on the skilled worker shortage, for example, lists Phoenix, Las Vegas and Seattle as areas that are among those experiencing higher-than-average labor shortages. “We are currently planning test drives and deployments in these locations as a result,” he said.

Canvas recently launched a test-drive model, where the machine can be put to the test on a prospective customer job site. Spray rates of 2,000 square feet per day have been achieved for Level 4 finishes on recent projects, and targeted product releases will continue to drive that number up.

To date, Canvas has scheduled test drives and demos in the following locations.

Interested in learning how the Canvas robot may help solve industry challenges? Contact to talk to the team and/or to identify an opening on the test drive schedule.

To watch this system in practice, visit here.