Building better business skills is the overriding theme for the Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association’s educational workshops during its 48th Annual Convention & Trade Show. STAFDA has a loaded agenda for its Nov. 10-12 Convention & Trade Show at the Music City Center in Nashville, Tennessee.

Convention attendees can customize their own agendas to meet their personal and professional goals — and it’s all included in the registration fee. There are no competing events during these sessions, so attendees can focus on quality learning experiences. On the morning of Sunday, Nov. 10, four concurrent workshops will be offered twice so attendees may participate in two sessions (following a 30-minute break).

Mike Foster, STAFDA’s AI and cybersecurity consultant, will discuss “Cybersecurity: Stop Today’s Hackers.” Every minute of every day, someone tries to exploit the security systems protecting a company’s information technology system. Foster will help attendees understand the lurking threats and provide the tools and information needed to make positive changes in their businesses’ IT practices.

Price is the number one sales obstacle most distributors encounter. James Dorn and John Gunderson of the Dorn Group will offer practical insights and resources to win over the bargain shoppers during their program, “How to Stay Competitive and Continue to Grow When Price Matters the Most.”

Are you working with challenging personalities who are causing conflict in the workplace? During “Finding Success in Conflict Resolution,” Scott Tillema will teach tactics to confidently embrace conflict resolution by offering eight skills of active listening, five elements to the perfect delivery of verbal communication, and a structure and confidence to positively channel conflict toward positive outcomes.

The more frequently adults use their strengths, the more likely they are to be energized, productive, open to learning and more engaged at work. The more people know about their superpowers, they communicate better, perform better and build better teams. In “Unleashing Your Superpower: Get the Best from Yourself and Those Around You,” Jamie Turner will guide attendees through a step-by-step process to help uncover and use their superpowers at work and home.

On Sunday afternoon, the Women in Distribution Luncheon returns with JJ DiGeronimo to guide attendees as they take their careers to the next level by identifying and aligning with mentors. Research shows that having industry mentors can lead to greater enjoyment of work, increased opportunities, and accelerated personal and professional development.

During the Emerging Leaders Forum on Sunday afternoon, Mark Noon understands that as leaders, attendees’ principal task is developing future leaders. If a new leader is identified within your company, does that new leader have to step up to a position of leadership or can they simply step in? Learn how to set yourself up for success so you can set up others. “Set Up to Step in for Effective Leadership” will focus on identifying the eight characteristics of leader development for all levels, creating effective teams by putting people in the right positions and creating a culture of teamwork.

On Tuesday, Nov. 12, Alan Beaulieu’s economic update is a unique, well-researched and extraordinarily accurate look into the U.S. and global economic future. Just a week after the 2024 U.S. presidential election, his program on what to expect from today’s economy, potential and upcoming U.S. legislation, and industry-specific topics will be especially valuable.

Registration for STAFDA’s Nashville Convention & Trade Show opens on June 24 at 8 a.m. CT from the members-only section of Visit STAFDA’s website for frequent updates and a complete agenda.

For more information, contact Catherine Usher, STAFDA’s member services director, at (262) 784-4774 or