The Occupational Safety and Health Administration recently investigated NOR-D LLC after the contractor had a worker pass away from injuries suffered while working on a warehouse in Macon, Georgia, according to Robert Yaniz Jr. of Occupational Health & Safety. OSHA fined NOR-D LLC $61,065 for the infractions it found.

The worker died following a 19-foot fall while dumping debris off the warehouse in November 2023. The worker stepping on a skylight caused the fall.

OSHA’s investigation showed that NOR-D LLC did not provide the required fall protection systems for workers and did not notify OSHA within eight hours after the accident, which is required. OSHA inspectors followed up with the contractor two months after the incident and said that essential safety measures were still not in place.

“After more than 20 years of experience as a roofing and framing contractor, NOR-D LLC should know the work its employees do is dangerous and potentially fatal, especially when safety protocols are ignored,” said Joshua Turner, OSHA area director in Atlanta. “Falls are widely known as the leading cause of death in the construction industry and, had required fall protections been in place in this case, a worker’s family, friends and co-workers would not be left now to grieve a terrible loss.”

OSHA identified nine serious violations by NOR-D LLC, including the absence of fall protection systems, the lack of safety guardrails on skylights, improper use of forklifts, defective ladders and the failure to provide protective eyewear and adequate training for forklift operators. OSHA also noted that the contractor did not ensure timely medical treatment for the injured worker.

NOR-D LLC has 15 business days from the receipt of its citations and penalties to comply, request an informal conference with OSHA’s area director or contest the findings.