The AIA 2024 Board of Directors issued a statement on Monday, Aug. 26, that addressed recent allegations of AIA misspending and retaliation.

“In April 2024, the Council of Former Presidents of AIA and the 2024 Jury of Fellows raised several concerns in letters to the Board of Directors, prompting the Board of Directors to hire an external law firm, Miller & Chevalier, to conduct an independent and legally privileged review of the facts related to the issues raised,” the statement said. “The concerns raised in those letters and that Miller & Chevalier reviewed included AIA staff personnel decisions and practices, the 2024 staff retreat, communications and interactions with the Jury of Fellows, AIA’s current financial status, officer stipends and a past legal matter with a board member. After an exhaustive and comprehensive review, the law firm has concluded its work and presented its findings and recommendations to the Board of Directors.

“Based on the facts presented, no wrongdoing or irregular conduct by any AIA staff or any member of the AIA leadership team was found to have occurred in connection with the matters raised,” the statement added. “The board has reviewed the law firm’s proposed recommendations for improvement in the areas of policy and process, and we are assessing how best to implement those recommendations. We anticipate sharing additional details regarding these recommendations with our members. We remain committed to advancing AIA, strengthening our membership, and fulfilling our mission and strategic priorities. We are steadfast in our support of AIA CEO and EVP Lakisha Ann Woods, CAE and the AIA senior staff that oversees AIA’s operations, as the organization continues to provide members with a best-in-class experience. We would like to thank the AIA staff for their cooperation and thank the AIA members for their patience and understanding during this process.”

“The independent review provided clarity surrounding the issues that were voiced by former leaders and other members,” said 2024 AIA president Kimberly Dowdell. “With the review completed, we can move forward while continuing our focus on ensuring that the mission is advanced, namely, to empower and inspire architects to improve society and transform the world.”