Connecticut parents had to take drywall off their child when a tree broke through their house’s roof during a recent storm, reported Marcy Jones of WAFB 9.

The parents were getting their son ready for bed around 10:15 p.m. when the ceiling suddenly descended onto him, scattering drywall. Luckily, he was not hurt.

“We were going to bed, and I heard a loud boom, and then I heard glass crash, and then I heard my son cry, and I went into his room and took the ceiling that was on him off of him and ran downstairs to our lower level,” the homeowner said.

The family did not report any injuries and said their dogs were also fine, but they called the incident a very narrow escape.

According to officials, clearing the tree and repairing the house will be a lengthy process, so the parents said that they plan to stay with family until it is completed.