The Center for the Polyurethanes Industry announced on Sept. 9 the results of a two-year survey on the polyurethanes industry in the United States, Canada and Mexico. The “2023 End-Use Market Survey on the Polyurethanes Industry in the United States, Canada and Mexico” report shows that overall polyurethane production totaled 9.1 million pounds in 2023.

While production faced some headwinds during this time, areas of growth cited in the survey include the use of spray foam in air barrier and continuous insulation applications; PU concrete floor coatings to help improve the durability and water repellency of concrete surfaces; and polyurethane molded composites in applications, such as decks and utility poles.

“CPI’s survey continues to provide the latest data and market trends on the industry,” said Jason Sloan, director of CPI. “Recent shifts in demand and availability for raw materials have presented some challenges, but polyurethane manufacturers have been able to adapt to these market dynamics.”

The “2023 End-Use Market Survey on the Polyurethanes Industry in the United States, Canada and Mexico” report, which was produced by independent third-party IAL Consultants, provides a breakdown of raw material demand for polyurethane markets in the United States, Canada and Mexico by type and by major end-use market for each country over a two-year period, as well as historic trends, market drivers and key issues.

The survey contains more than 300 pages of information and analysis, as well as data tables, charts and graphs. Results will be presented during the Awards Luncheon at the end of this year’s Polyurethanes Technical Conference on Oct. 2 in Atlanta. The report will be available to purchase from the ACC store on Oct. 2.