In this special episode of If Walls Could Talk, Walls & Ceilings Associate Editor Michael Levitt speaks with Phampena Inc.’s Taide Pham, Hien “H” Pham and Trinidy Pham. The company is on the cover of W&C’s September issue and has grown into an industry leader since being founded in 2010.

Phampena Inc.: The Meaning of Family
In this special episode of If Walls Could Talk, Walls & Ceilings Associate Editor Michael Levitt speaks with Phampena Inc.’s Taide Pham, Hien “H” Pham and Trinidy Pham. The company is on the cover of W&C’s September issue and has grown into an industry leader since being founded in 2010.
Hien “H” Pham, owner of Phampena Inc. went through some unique struggles when he first joined the plastering industry, including having to tape foam to the bottom of his shoes because he was shorter than the people for which scaffolds were mainly built. However, Hien pushed through the struggles and eventually started Phampena Inc., which continues to expand and has had great success.
The company has become a family business, with Hien and his wife both involved, as well as Taide and Trinidy, their children. Hien’s older son is also involved with the firm when he is not at college. Even beyond that, Hien’s younger son, who is 13 years old, helped on a recent project by incorporating 3-D printing into the design.