The Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance announced that 2013, the first year of the program, saw more than 1,080 exams administered in its flagship Professional Certification Program.
In the North American construction market, spray polyurethane foam is gaining wide recognition for a number of reasons. First, it provides strong insulating properties. Second, spray foam allows builders to create a tight building envelope around the entire building.
For the most part, houses are largely made of wood and have been since life in caves fell out of style. It’s a versatile, reliable and plentiful construction material.
As energy costs continue to fluctuate, homeowners are seeing the benefits of becoming more eco-savvy. One growing area of focus is weatherization. When you consider that up to 40 percent of a home’s energy loss can be attributed to air infiltration*-a combined with recent government incentives-it’s easy to see why.
United States demand for molding and trim is forecast to exceed $10 billion in 2014 on annual increases of 10.0 percent. An expected rebound in new residential construction expenditures from their depressed 2009 level will fuel these gains.