Blastcrete Equipment LLC, a global leader in the manufacturing of concrete pumping, gunite and wet shotcrete equipment, introduced Patrick Bridger as their new business development manager. Bridger will work with the Blastcrete team to support new and existing customers and help them find solutions for their specific concrete pumping and wet/dry process shotcrete applications.
Advanced handheld metal scanning tools from Zircon detect rebar and other metal deep within concrete to increase worker safety and reduce costs on replacement bits and blades
Concrete is widely used in construction across residential, commercial and industrial sectors. Post-construction modifications often require drilling or sawing, but the concealed intricate placement of rebar creates difficulties in avoiding metal hits while guessing drilling locations.
The ACI Foundation’s Concrete Innovation Council gathered once again with participants and presenters to discuss technology and innovation at the 2023 Technology Forum. The successful event took place Aug. 29-31 at the Benson Portland A Hilton Curio Collection Hotel in Portland, Oregon.
The collection is a comprehensive and large single source of information on concrete design, construction, materials and repair, with over 50 codes and specifications and more than 200 practices.
ICPI-NCMA announced on February 22 during their Annual Meeting in Columbus, Ohio, that they will now operate as one entity after co-founding the Concrete Masonry & Hardscapes Association.
The American Concrete Institute has introduced a new self-nomination option to the prestigious Excellence in Concrete Construction Awards to make it easier for companies and organizations to achieve recognition for their work.
PRO: An ACI Center of Excellence for Advancing Concrete Industry Productivity has been launched by the American Concrete Institute. As a catalyst for solving the barriers of constructability to advance concrete construction productivity, PRO will collaborate with designers, materials suppliers and contractors to identify and resolve issues that negatively impact productivity in concrete construction.