Initially introduced as “Tech 21,” the program helps building owners, general contractors and architects use or specify Dryvit’s three panelization systems, Fedderlite, Outsulite and Metalite, completed with many of Dryvit’s wide variety of exterior insulation and finish systems.
Lakeland, FL, joins Parksite’s North Carolina, Maryland and New jersey locations, extending the availability of the mortarless stone veneer throughout Florida
Parksite, is pleased to announce the market expansion of Versetta Stone mortarless stone veneer out of its Lakeland, FL location, providing coverage throughout the state of Florida.
Insulation now optional in 1-hour fire-rated steel-stud walls with Sheetrock Brand EcoSmart Panels Firecode X and Mold Tough Firecode X (UL Type ULIX).
Ducker Worldwide concluded that 5/8 in. USG Sheetrock Brand EcoSmart Panels provide up to 10% savings in overall project installation time and up to 26% savings in ceiling installation time.