Habito, a revolutionary new drywall product from CertainTeed, is the strongest and hardest ½-inch wallboard material available today and features technical benefits previously unseen in the drywall category.
Gypsum Management and Supply, Inc., a leading North American distributor of wallboard, suspended ceiling systems, and other specialty interior building products, announced its strategic entrance into the Michigan and Northwest Ohio markets through the acquisition of Gypsum Supply Company.
Foreverboard is light, strong and resistant product as an alternative to standard drywall. With many features like normal drywall, the product’s proprietary formula makes it easy to handle, durable and smooth while being resistant to fire, water, insect, mildew and mold.
Gypsum Management and Supply, Inc., a leading North American distributor of wallboard, suspended ceiling systems and other specialty building products, has acquired Badgerland Supply and its six locations in Wisconsin and Illinois.
Model code language addressing the intersection of a wall and a fire-rated floor-ceiling system continues to evolve in a manner that benefits a contractor who is willing to study and abide by the relevant code text.