Sto Corp., a leader in facade claddings, air barriers, coatings, and renovation systems, is empowering architects and designers with unprecedented creative freedom through recent advancements in its Sto Panel Technology business.
Construction and additions to hospitals typically face several unique challenges. Tight project schedules, no space for waste and debris, and patient and staff occupancy can make it difficult to use typical field-built construction techniques. As a result, prefabrication is becoming a smarter form of construction for building enclosures used on hospitals and medical centers across the country.
Remember the days of plain concrete box buildings and straight brick exteriors? When it comes to building facades, those days are most certainly in the past.
In a polar vortex, an extended hard freeze, steady rainfall, extreme heat, or a global pandemic, construction often slows down or can come to a complete halt.
Sto Corp., the innovative world leader in full system facades, prefabrication, air barriers, coatings, and restoration solutions, has announced the launch of StoConnect, which allows contractors and applicators to access Sto tools and input requests.