On Oct. 7, IIBEC sent a letter to the mayor and city council of Wilmington, North Carolina, recommending that they consider establishing a building façade inspection program in light of two recent building failures.
The International Fire Code requires annual visual inspection of all fire-resistance-rated assemblies and the protection features – firestopping included. Fire doors can be the entry to building owners to help them satisfy the annual visual inspection requirement in NFPA 80 and the International Fire Code.
ICC and RESNET will continue their collaboration by developing a new American National Standards Institute (ANSI) candidate standard on remote virtual inspections (RVI) for the energy and water use performance of buildings.
GCI Consultants, LLC., a building envelope consulting firm with expertise in Hurricane Damage Inspections, is establishing an inspection team in the Panama City, Florida area
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Keeping track of these assets and monitoring important items such as required certifications, inspections and maintenance records can be a time-consuming hassle for the construction professional.