Throughout North America, officials are sounding the alarm about the rising risk of major fire events and the real threat that exists to life and property in North America’s wildfire “danger zones,” known as the Wildland Urban Interface.
At one time or another, we’ve all dreamed of escaping civilization, of finding a quiet, idyllic spot untouched by industry, and simply enjoying the beauty and magnificence of the natural world around us.
Although smoke detectors are essential for safety and mandated by the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), traditional, bulky models mounted on ceilings or walls in high end residential homes can interrupt – even ruin – the overall design and feel of a space.
Using dependable products that can quell fire and seal joints is a critical first step, which is why 3M has extended its innovative reach and added 3M Fire Barrier Watertight Spray to its portfolio of firestop products.