Construction starts are once again increasing after a slowdown in the fourth quarter of 2021. But labor shortages continue, and after a brief decline, materials prices are again climbing, caused partially by the war in Ukraine.
While the original commercial passenger terminal was constructed in 1952, it wasn’t until the 1990s—when commuter airlines became more prevalent—that Alpena’s civilian air travel expanded enough to qualify for Federal Airport Improvement funds. By 2018, county and airport officials were ready to update operations by replacing the long-standing terminal with a more expansive and updated facility.
Colleagues joined other industry professionals yesterday for the SFIA Annual Meeting to learn about new and improved tools, programs and benefits the association has rolled out in the past year. This year, the SFIA also took a few minutes to look back over the last 10 years and the important ways the steel framing industry has continued to evolve and grow.