Western Specialty Contractors is proud to announce that it has received a Trimble Viewpoint Construction Award for best use of Trimble’s Construction One Technology – an award recognizing contractors who have leveraged technology solutions to create more data-driven, connected construction businesses.
CHA Consulting, Inc. announced Nov. 17 it has continued its expansion in Florida with the acquisition of Eckler Engineering, Inc. Based in the Fort Lauderdale, Florida, area, Eckler provides engineering services to commercial, industrial and municipal clients.
The National Institute of Building Sciences Building Information Management Council is planning the upcoming release of COBie 3.0 as an update to the Construction to Operations Building information exchange (COBie 2.4) Specification. COBie 3.0 also will be published as an integral part of the upcoming version 4.0 of the National BIM Standard – United States.
Beacon announced on Nov. 2 that it has opened greenfield locations in Indianapolis and Burnsville, Minnesota. The branches expand Beacon OTC network service in the Indianapolis and Minneapolis-St Paul markets.
Second store location by Charles Bloszies firm for Blu Dot displays sensitivity to local context, as well as expertise in adaptive reuse and elegant, sustainable design solutions
The Office of Charles F. Bloszies FAIA has just completed their second project for Blu Dot, the leading design retailer, in San Francisco. At the foot of Potrero Hill in San Francisco, Bloszies and Blu Dot’s team have reimagined a pair of vacant buildings to create a new, neighborhood-friendly adaptation and a simplified, soft-modern backdrop for the successful Minneapolis-based maker of modern furniture.