In the fall of 2015, Rushton Sheet Metal, a contractor specializing in architectural sheet metal and wall panels, and Cities Edge Architects, a local architecture firm, began evaluating insulation products and solutions for a large hotel build in Iowa City, Iowa.
Most structures today are constructed out of many different materials that move at different rates. Marrying all of these components together is complex and, at the same time, can make the roof more vulnerable to errors and failure when re-roofing.
Pseudologoi were the personifications, or tangible manifestations, of lies and falsehoods in Greek Mythology. Myths are stories that people know to take as parables, not to interpret literally. But falsehoods are dangerous.
All matter breaks down over time. The structures that surround us today are no exception to that law of physics. Some building materials are more durable than others, like stone and steel, but unfortunately the days of structures surviving thousands of years, like the Egyptian pyramids and Roman cathedrals, is over.