If you’re like a lot of busy contractors in the walls and ceilings industry, every day can be bid day if you’re working up multiple bids at the same time.
Resilience is a newer design concern within the construction industry. With the apparent increase in natural disasters, such as hurricanes and wildfires, the desire for more resilient buildings is on many people’s minds. However, what is resilience and how do gypsum panel products factor into this new way of thinking?
If your job involves bidding, winning, and building, you may have a hard time imagining how work ever got done before mobile devices—back in the early 2000s. In the wake of the iPhone launch 12 years ago, mobile devices like smartphones and tablets have become as common as hardhats on the jobsite.
For nearly 30 years, DPR Construction has constructed projects with the high level of quality and innovation customers expect, and the relentless accountability they deserve.
In 2009, the Northwest Wall and Ceiling Bureau completed the publication Impacts to Labor Productivity in Steel Framing and the Installation and Finishing of Gypsum Wallboard.
In the 1950s, Ace Books began publishing Ace Doubles, which were two separate novels combined in a single volume. For example, a reader could read “Secret Agent of Terra” which ends at about the middle of the book.
The construction industry continues to lag behind others when it comes to the adoption of digital work practices. How can the Fourth Industrial Revolution become reality without a fully digitized engineering, procurement and construction sector?