Created in the 1960s by the Lyndon B. Johnson administration as part of the “War on Poverty,” 40 years later, Job Corps continues to enjoy strong bi-partisan support in Congress. It continues its mission to help young men and women fulfill their life’s potential, and it may just be part of your solution to meeting the demand for skilled labor in today’s transitional labor market
My journey through the inner sanctum of the USG Research & Technology Innovation center continued through one testing laboratory after another, each with its own specialty… With over 100 years of innovation and leadership in the walls and ceilings industry, there is no aspect of the business that has escaped the purview of the USG scientists.
I met Kevin Moyer at the national plastering contest held last year in Long Beach, Calif. I listened as he spoke of the future of the plastering industry and the need for skilled plasterers to meet the expected demand of a trade once in decline, but now on the eve of a renaissance. I asked him then if I could have the opportunity to interview him for Walls and Ceilings and recently our schedules permitted us to get together.
I recently had the opportunity to visit Ft.
McMurray, which is located about 300 miles north of Edmonton, in Northern
Alberta, Canada. It’s not the northern most point on the road but you can see it
from there. The area is a phenomenon because it contains the largest known cash
of petroleum in the world. You didn’t know that? Well, neither did I until
recently. The amount of oil sand in Alberta is enough-at their current rate of
consumption-to provide Canada all of the petroleum it would need for the next
475 years. It’s enough oil to meet the needs of the entire planet for the next
15 years.