This year the Annual Southeastern Florida Wall
& Ceiling Contractor’s Association Convention and Trade Show will take
place at the OMNI Hotel at Champion’s Gate outside Orlando, Fla.
Walls & Ceilings congratulates the following
companies for being voted the top winners of the Annual Advertising Excellence
Awards, chosen from the magazine’s August 2010 issue.
Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics has announced
Green Glue Noiseproofing Compound has been recognized for use by independent
testing authorities including Underwriters Laboratory and American Society for
Testing and Materials.
Building insulation products from Dow Building
Solutions have achieved recertification by the Cradle to Cradle Certification
program, a well-known, multi-attribute eco-label that assesses a product’s
safety and environmental impact.
A collective of cold-formed steel manufacturers,
suppliers and contractors have formed the Steel Framing Industry Association.
Open officially on January 10, the association will be headquartered in Northern Virginia.