Repairing plastic? No problem. With new DAP RapidFuse Plastic Primer Kit, hard-to-bond plastic surfaces are no match, offering a fast and flawless repair where other quick-fix adhesives fall short.
The design and engineering of grid systems and their components can mean the difference between a fast, efficient and simple installation or a complex, time-consuming and costly job.
Simpson Strong-Tie announced the launch of the Strong-Wall site-built portal frame system (PFS) to provide designers, engineers, and builders in prescriptive markets with an easy way to meet code-defined wood wall-bracing requirements when building narrow wall widths.
In recent years, increased attention has been placed on the role that sustainable building products play on occupants’ overall mental and physical wellbeing.
The natural warmth, depth and richness of wood have long made it a favorite ceiling and wall panel material among architects and designers. However, there is an emphasis on products that blend the visual aesthetic of wood with the added features and benefits of acoustical performance and safety.
When you’re working with drywall, there is nothing more frustrating than pesky nail pops. That’s why the Liquid Nails brand by PPG developed Drywall Advanced construction adhesive with nail pop minimizing technology.