Jim Olsztynski is editorial director of Plumbing & Mechanical and editor of
Supply House Times
magazines. He can be reached at (630) 694-4006 or wrdwzrd@aol.com.
When choosing a construction firm, customers say that trust and integrity are more influential than the price of the bid, according to a recent Intuit Construction Business Solutions study. (Intuit
Few business rivalries are as spirited as that between FedEx and UPS for the hearts and minds of package delivery customers. Both are huge organizations, with UPS the larger one
Last month's column addressed the phenomenon of little mom-‘n-pop stores successfully competing against famous giant chains in a variety of retail businesses ranging from sandwich shops to pet supplies to
A block from where I live sits one of those ubiquitous Subway sandwich stores. A block away from it is Submarine Express, a small, privately owned sandwich shop that's been