Marketing refers to activities used to promote or position products or services. Experts state that marketing concepts are based on needs, wants and demands.
The construction industry, like other industries, is continually evolving. Some accuse the construction industry of being stubborn, archaic and incapable of change. I disagree and feel there is proof that we are very responsive to change.
Selling is important. Without sales, companies die. Training is equally important: workers without real training fail to understand why and then failures occur. Our industry too often misses the mark or conflates a blend of training and sales.
I think this forthcoming word best sums up today’s world of construction—“Gotcha.” Competition is at an all-time high and regardless of what phase, parties are looking for the “gotcha” moment.
Plaster and drywall are both materials in competition with each other to be the finish for walls and ceilings. Plaster has far more history but is more expensive.
had a boss who repeatedly told people he had an “an open door policy.” Professing openness when a staff is in fear made me wonder and reflect back to my days in a marketing class.