Trowel Talk: Let's Play It Safe

According to recently released reports from OSHA, the percentage of work-related fatalities in the construction industry is on the decrease. And while the numbers are adjusted to reflect the smaller workforce, it is not clear as to the cause of the decline.
One consideration is that during economic downturns like we are currently experiencing, those still employed tend to be a little more experienced and well trained, so naturally one would think such people would also work safer.
Another consideration is the increase in formal safety training that has blossomed over the last five years. Most union apprenticeship programs now require OSHA 10 safety cards be earned before an apprentice finishes their first year, and many states are now mandating such training certification be issued before a worker steps foot on a public works project.
Yet another aspect of this is the renewed increase in seriously enforcing OSHA violations, evidenced by the Federal Government’s hiring blitz of safety officers.
Whatever the reason, and whatever the cost, keeping workers safe in a hazardous occupation such as construction should be first and foremost on all of our minds. Let us know what you are doing to keep your job site safe.