I often see gypsum board installed using a combination of nails and screws, and I’ve always assumed this practice is acceptable. However, one of my superiors recently questioned the practice. Is combining nails and screws acceptable?
On March 2, Simpson Strong-Tie released the Simpson Strong-Tie 2023 Fastening Systems catalog, a comprehensive guide to the company’s most recent innovations and product line expansions for wood, mass timber, steel, and concrete and masonry fastening applications.
RSMeans data from Gordian time/motion study shows the new 16-inch o.c. optimized fastener pattern will deliver significant labor and material savings for commercial drywall installation
National Gypsum Company introduced the MaX 16 optimized fastener pattern at Build 23: AWCI’s Convention & Expo in Las Vegas. The industry’s only 16-inch o.c. optimized fastener pattern for single-layer, one‐hour UL fire‐rated assemblies on metal framing spaced 16 inches on center is the company’s newest innovative working property.
Nova USA Wood’s new ExoDek and ExoClad QuickClip hidden fastening systems for decking and siding captured the widespread interest of builders, contractors, architects and developers attending the 2022 Los Angeles Build Expo. This was due to each system’s unique and patented ability to expand and contract with wood and composite products, which naturally swell and shrink as the moisture and humidity levels rise and fall throughout the changing seasons.