The American Concrete Institute announced a major upgrade to its concrete repair resources. On Nov. 12, the ACI Concrete Repair Subscription transitioned to the new ACI 562 PLUS Repair Subscription.
The American Concrete Institute, in collaboration with NEx: An ACI Center of Excellence for Nonmetallic Building Materials, has released two new resources for fiber-reinforced polymer reinforcement.
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration released new resources to help protect workers from extreme heat. The new resources include fact sheets to provide information on personal risk factors, the importance of an individual’s hydration status and pregnant worker safety in the heat.
Building departments and the hardworking professionals working within them are the silent defenders of our communities. By overseeing the permitting, inspection and occupancy authorization processes for new construction, renovations and repairs, your local building department plays a vital role in ensuring that projects are built to applicable building safety codes and standards.
The Insulation Contractors Association of America has released a 25C Insulation Tax Credit Online Calculator, promotional materials and educational resources.
With winter in full swing, many safety professionals are searching for resources to protect their workers from the ice, sleet and snow that cause thousands of yearly injuries.
This morning, Autodesk announced the next phase in its effort to upskill current construction workers and help the industry engage the next generation of prospective recruits.
During its annual Greenbuild Conference & Expo on November 10, the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) announced it will provide funding for 500 people in underserved communities to earn their LEED professional credential.