Kebony North America announced on Dec. 30 that it has received an ICC-ESL Product Listing for its 1x6 dually modified wood Click-In Cladding System, as well as Florida Building Code approval across 60-plus counties in Florida for additional CCS configurations.
During the recent International Code Council annual business meeting in St. Louis, American Wood Council South Central Region Director David P. Tyree, P.E., C.B.O., was presented with a lifetime honorary membership in recognition of his exceptional contributions to ICC.
The International Code Council is revising its rigorous code development process. The changes will take effect in 2024-2026 for the development of the 2027 International Codes and will move the development process to an integrated and continuous three-year cycle.
On May 1, the International Code Council kicked off the 43rd annual Building Safety Month. The campaign raises awareness about the importance of building codes and the role that building safety professionals play in keeping our communities safe.
NEx: An ACI Center of Excellence for Nonmetallic Building Materials is pleased to welcome ICC Evaluation Service as a new Allied Organization. NEx has signed a MOU with ICC Evaluation Service to create a partnership in advancing the use of nonmetallic building materials.
Enables designers to confidently design a wall assembly with ArmorWall Systems since it has been evaluated by International Code Council Evaluation Services for fire endurance ratings
DuPont Performance Building Solutions announced today their DuPont ArmorWall Systems received two updated fire listings from the International Code Council – ICC-ESL-1302, applicable to ASTM E119, and ICC-ESL-1442, applicable to NFPA 285.
In June, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards signed House Bill 803 into law requiring the statewide adoption of the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code and the 2021 International Residential Code Chapter 11 Energy Efficiency. The Louisiana legislature had previously cleared the bill unanimously.
The bipartisan bill seeks to preserve development of codes and standards that promote community resilience, advance sustainability and protect public safety.
ICC and RESNET will continue their collaboration by developing a new American National Standards Institute (ANSI) candidate standard on remote virtual inspections (RVI) for the energy and water use performance of buildings.
On Demand This webinar will educate attendees about building longevity and sustainability, and how these concepts make buildings more energy-efficient.