Which is more important? STC ratings or fire performance? Asking that question is like asking a parent … which is their favorite child? Impossible and unfair to do.
CEMCO FireRip is a composite steel angle incased in fire-rated drywall that provides unencumbered dynamic movement, per UL-2079 5th edition. FireRip comes in 8-foot lengths and three different sizes to provide unencumbered fire-rated joint protection for 2-, 3- and 4-inch joints.
Over the years, the installation of MEP equipment within a wall cavity, backing installed over the face of framing members for the installation of cabinets or other heavy devices, hard-base trim and granite countertops and backsplashes, have created problems for finishing gypsum panels.
Especially in cities with prominent children’s hospitals, Ronald McDonald House Charities have become important resources for families with severely sick children.
Established in 1854 near the banks of the Red River in a small town called Lebanon, Okla., sat an abandoned, two-story brick structure that once served as a boarding school for Chickasaw Nation girls, an orphanage, then as a manual labor school where Chickasaw children learned agriculture, horticulture, homemaking, sewing, knitting, cooking and housekeeping. Steeped in Chickasaw history, the structure, named the Burney Institute, had fallen into disrepair when it was abandoned sometime after 1910.
The Firestop Contractors International Association collaborated with ASHE, The Joint Commission and UL to build the 1.5 day Barrier Management Symposium now offered at ASHE Regions.