The not seasonally adjusted national construction unemployment rate of 4.4 percent was unchanged in December 2023 from the previous year, according to a state-by-state analysis of U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data released on Feb. 5 by Associated Builders and Contractors.
Both residential and nonresidential firms boost employment as average hourly pay for construction craft workers increases 5.4 percent over the year, outpacing gain for all production employees
The construction industry added 23,000 jobs in October as unemployment rates for the sector hovered near the all-time low for the month, according to an analysis of new government data the Associated General Contractors of America released Nov. 3.
Most of the construction gains occurred in the residential construction sector, while firms now pay workers 19 percent more compared to the average job as they struggle to recruit new people
The construction sector added 15,000 jobs in April while the sector’s unemployment rate fell to a record-low for the month and the number of unfilled construction positions is close to a monthly high, according to an analysis of new government data the Associated General Contractors of America released May 5.
Construction gains were evenly split between residential and nonresidential firms for the month, but near-record job openings at the end of May point to ongoing challenges in finding qualified workers
The construction sector added 23,000 jobs in June while the sector’s unemployment rate fell to the lowest rate ever for the month and pay levels in the industry continued to rise, according to an analysis of new government data the Associated General Contractors of America released today.
Walls & Ceiling's Publisher Jill Bloom and Roofing Contractor's Editor Art Aisner sat down virtually with Brad Moody, president and owner of Moody Insurance Agency in Denver, Colo. to answer some of the biggest questions contractors have about insurance, from workers' compensation concerns to cyber-security.
Walls & Ceilings continues to bring the latest information to wall and ceiling contractors to help them survive and thrive during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Average Hourly Earnings in Construction Top Private Sector Average by 9.9 Percent as Construction Firms Continue to Boost Pay and Benefits in Effort to Attract and Retain Qualified Hourly Craft Workers
Construction employment increased by 42,000 jobs in February and by 223,000 or 3.0 percent over the past 12 months, as the industry’s unemployment rate hit a new February low.