For its efforts in establishing a solid foundation to attract private investment and further build on municipality assets, the Village of Blissfield, Michigan, has been awarded the Redevelopment-Ready Communities certification, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation announced on June 18.

MEDC now formally recognizes Blissfield as a certified Redevelopment-Ready Community in Michigan. Blissfield joins an elite group of 73 Michigan communities, in all corners of the state, that have qualified as “thoroughly prepared” when it comes to planning and zoning to remove traditional barriers and promote opportunities for prospective investors.

“Our mission at MEDC is to support Michigan’s strong economic momentum and empower communities to establish a strong planning, zoning and economic development foundation,” said Michele Wildman, chief place officer for MEDC. “The Village of Blissfield is well-positioned to continue to implement their vision for the future and further improve the quality of life for its residents. We look forward to building upon our relationship with the village and supporting local economic development efforts.”

As an RRC participant, Blissfield received a comprehensive assessment that measured current community and economic development practices against RRC best practice standards. The tool kit evaluates and certifies communities that integrate transparency, predictability and efficiency into economic development practices. Certification status is a compelling indicator that a community has removed development barriers and streamlined processes to be more competitive and attractive to investors.

“As Village Council President, I am so pleased that we have achieved the goal of becoming a Redevelopment-Ready Community,” said James Eitzen, village president of Blissfield. “Having a partner with the strength of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation is vital to the future progress of a small community like Blissfield and it continuing to prosper. I am so grateful for the village staff whose efforts made this possible, and I share their excitement for the tools available, especially the technology resources.”

As a certified community, Blissfield will have access to new tools to implement its community development goals, as well as ongoing support and technical assistance from the Redevelopment-Ready Communities team. Annual check-ins and updates will help ensure the village continues implementing the best practices over time. Certification is active for five years before needing to be renewed.

“Our Blissfield team is incredibly proud to become a certified Redevelopment-Ready Community,” said Danielle Gross, village administrator of Blissfield. “While the certification process was complex, it provided the opportunity for us to reaffirm and improve upon our development procedures. Becoming an RRC certified community allows us the ability to leverage our resources while building upon our partnership with MEDC. Our economy is constantly changing, but with the best practices we have established, Blissfield is better suited to support our continued growth and resiliency.”