S-5!, together with National Women in Roofing, is sponsoring a new scholarship program to empower women who wish to pursue educational opportunities in the skilled trades. The initiative aims to support women in their journey toward successful careers in the trades and contributing to the overall advancement of the construction industry.
This month, Bell Fuels president Stella Gaytan will convene a public and industry panel discussion to bring women in the trades together for an evening of community and discussion.
As part of the summer-long, all-girls construction camp MyWIC, middle school and high school girls will visit Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia on Thursday, Aug. 1, at 9:45 a.m. to participate in the Skilled Trades All-Star Program.
Later this summer, construction is set to begin in New Jersey’s capital city on a new base of operations for Homeworks Trenton, a free, community-based, after-school boarding program for marginalized girls.
Baker Construction, Gilbane Building Co., McKissack & McKissack, Mortenson, Power Design, Suffolk, and Shawmut Design and Construction are the initial signatories of the Commerce Department’s new Million Women in Construction Community Pledge.
Are you a thought leader propelling change or seeking advocacy and resources? Don’t overlook this opportunity to learn how to promote gender balance in the construction industry.
Lau and Dusty Robotics exhibited at BUILD23 last year. The company returns to this year’s event in Orlando, Florida. W&C spoke with her late last year.
Tessa Lau got into construction because she was looking to start another robotics company. She witnessed the inefficiency and dependency on skilled manual labor endemic to the construction industry. She knew there would be opportunities to introduce robotic automation to improve the industry.
For those that attend the various wall and ceiling shows, you probably have met Tina Cannedy. She is the vice president of technical and architectural at FacadesXi in Dallas/San Antonio. For Women in Construction month, we profiled an interview with her.
EverGreene recently restored the Cosmopolitan Club Library on the Upper East Side in Manhattan, New York. Through the 1920s, women’s clubs allowed American women to network, socialize and shape the world beyond their homes.